Montreal Windsurfing Guide
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Montreal Windsurfing Spots
Les Roche’s
Wind direction S SE SW
Parking On side of road
Rigging conditions not bad if you cross road to hogh grass.
Walk to launch None
Bottom condition Rocky
Current Cross shore pulling you to the South
launch difficulty medium
Spot difficulty intermediate to expert depending on wind. If you break something you will eventually drift to Plattsburgh beach (45 minutes)
Bathrooms High grass fields :-)
Water depth Gets deep within 15 feet of launch
Waves The waves are great for riding especially 3/4 across the bay towards the yacht club on other side 3-10 feet
obstacles the rocks on launch but not a big deal
Nearby bar  
weeds none
Spot notes A really great spot to sail but you feel like you are really out there. Check your gear before going out.
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15 South across border to states, take exit Plattsburgh, take cumberland head road up towards the point. Look for windsurfers

Montreal Windsurfing Guide