Wind direction |
SW S |
Parking |
good parking on site (church nearby so can fill up if there are weddings or services) |
Rigging conditions |
Excellent, Lots of grass |
Walk to launch |
Short, Large paved boat launch |
Bottom condition |
sand |
Current |
Not in bay, outside bay the current pulls to the East |
launch difficulty |
easy, Need to walk out about 100 yards before starting when water is low (Walk straight out, rocks to your left) |
Spot difficulty |
Beginers welcome |
Bathrooms |
yes, nice facility East of the launch in the park |
Water depth |
Most of bay is shallow except for West side |
Waves |
nice bump and jump waves when wind is steady over 20 knots from SW or W when you clear the bay |
obstacles |
rock wall sometimes submerged 15 feet north of lauch ramp.. Walk straight out.
Small reef 100 meters west of east point of bay (usually marked by locals) thanks JF :-)
Rocks near and jetting out from east point where church is |
Nearby bar |
Clydes, Up the street in village |
weeds |
Weed in shallows. Loose weed in water early and later in the seasons or if water level rises. |
Spot notes |
A great place to learn. Starting to get crowded with kiters. Great jumping in seveveral spots. In the bay, near or just outside of reef, Near red bouy on outside or anywhere on the outside when the wind cranks. |
View Spot
Cartier exit off Hwy 20, straight down to bord-du-lac (Lakeshore) Turn right then left at St-Joachim St, straight down to parking |